cricket lounge

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Fake IPL Player finally revealing identity ?

At a time when cricket-lovers across the world are excited about the Indian Premier League matches held at South Africa, a blogger has been giving a headache to the Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) team., where inside stories of the Knight Riders team and the tussle between players and the coach are aired on a daily basis, has been one of the major hits online these days.

The blogs have been appearing for two weeks now under the name IPL Anonymous and are believed to be posted by a player of the Riders team. The blog has become so popular that in this short span of time it has earned 5644 followers! The blog has mentions about almost everyone in the KKR team and players from other IPL teams. While Knight Riders team owner Shah Rukh Khan is called Winnie Dildo, former Indian skipper Sourav Ganguly is Lord Almighty, David Hussey is 'Chikna Pussy' and coach John Buchanan is ‘Bhookha Naan.’ Even local boy Sreesanth has found a prominent place in the satirical writing.

Irritated by the blog posts where the inside stories of the team are aired openly, the team management blocked laptops inside the dressing rooms. Interestingly, fakeiplplayer has been reporting the events even after the team management took all precautionary measures.

What’s more? He keeps posting even about the tactics of the officials in their efforts to trace him! It goes like this.

“Since the posts have been coming out, guys are making their own small groups and going out to places without informing others. No one wants Fake IPL Player to land up there and broadcast their nefarious activities to the whole world. In fact, the blog has affected the nocturnal lives of IPLers in more ways than one would have expected. Teams are now trying to find out beforehand where our team is headed after the match to ensure that they don’t land up at the same place”. The tremendous response to the blog is visible with the number of comments it receives for each post.

While the first one itself has about 150 comments, the last post ‘Bye Calypso. Thanks for entertaining us’ has received 458 comments so far. The blog posts generate a feeling that the author could be one of the Indian players in the team or someone closely associated with an Indian player.

However fakeiplplayer has decided to make his identity known after the South Africa IPL.

He has given a couple of footnotes at the end of his last post on April 30. Here go those footnotes.

“P.S. I think some website’s been advertising that I am appearing for a live chat. That’s not true. Under the circumstances I can’t live chat at all and nobody knows who I am.”

“P.P.S. Some people are replying to comments posing as IPL Anonymous. It’s not me.

I haven’t participated in the comments section.

Pls don’t believe the guy posing as me.”

“P.P.P.S. I have heard that Dildo’s PR team has decided to degrade this blog by posting malicious and critical comments and also by spamming in the comments section. If only this energy was seen in building the team.”

“P.P.P.P.S. The focus has shifted to the Support Staff. The management is now convinced that the Fake IPL Player is not a player but a support staff member. Let’s see where this trail takes them.”

“P.P.P.P.P.S. I have decided to retire from all forms of cricket after IPL. I will disclose my identity on our last match day.” Anyway, as fakeiplplayer himself points out in his post ‘Battle of the losers,’ it’s going to be a highly memorable trip for team Knight Riders.

“It was a short and sweet trip to Port Elizabeth.

We went in, we got ******, and we came out. Pretty simple and a highly memorable trip indeed.”


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