FAKE IPL PLAYER The big one, the story that has been rocking the already fragile KKR boat - the Fake IPL Player's blog. Most informed opinion has it that this guy is either
a) part of the KKR team/backroom staff
b) a journalist who's traveled/is traveling, covering international cricket
c) a well-informed fan who has used his observation and native wit to good effect.
However, here at the 'Not-Quite-Cricket-Corner' we have some 'Not-Quite-Believable' options for you to consider -
1.) Sourav Ganguly - the deposed skipper has the knowledge, the language and the correct amount of disregard for people he doesn't care about, to pull off this stunt. Could be him, or a proxy writing for him.
2.) Shah Rukh Khan - This is another marketing gimmick thought up by SRK's razor sharp business brain. He knows that with the team he has, it is nigh impossible to actually win the IPL or even reach the semi-finals, hence he has to create interest in the team in some other way. If we find 'I'm the Real Fake IPL Player' t-shirts, mugs and key-chains then this theory would gain more credence.
3.) John Buchanan - he knows he's stuffed up big time. His reputation as the 'super coach' is being taken to the cleaners. The solution is to drag the reputations of the players down with him. If this is true, then the man who claims to 'think out of the box' would do well to stay out of the box too - the players' box that is. Permanently.
4.)Jai Mehta - do I hear you say Jai who? Well, he is Juhi Chawla's husband, co-owner of the Knight Riders. Resentful of the way Shah Rukh and to a lesser extent Juhi are hogging the spotlight as owners of the team, this is his way of getting back at them. No doubt he hopes that the Jai Who questions will turn into chants of Jai Ho.
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